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[MacPerl] trouble with -w

I have a pair of text files on my (unlocked, writable) hard disk "hd":
"foo" is locked, "bar" is unlocked in the Finder. If I run the following
script under the latest Perl 5 (just got a new MPW tool from the ftp site
this afternoon), I get unexpected results.

print "write to foo\n" if (-w "hd:foo");  # this one is locked
print "write to bar"\n if (-w "hd:bar");  # this one is unlocked


write to foo
write to bar

Same results with "-W" and "-w". Other tests (-e, -s) seem to work as
expected. Any clues?

What's the preferred way to detect a locked file if this isn't it?

Fully prepared to be called a "bonehead",


"They expect you to be a machine to operate this machine." - T. Servo

pub   768/3311B6FD 1995/02/17 Doyle B. Myers <doyle@wrq.com>
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