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Re: [MacPerl] MacPERL Performace vs. Intel Class systems (fwd)

Well, first, Code Warrior is producing a compiled program.
Perl is interpreted.  Secondly, CodeWarrior might have it's
own methods of handling I/O also which could increase the
program's speeds (though I doubt this last - too much of a

Fetch 3.01 on the Mac has (on occasion) gone as high as
12,000 bytes/sec on some of my transfers.  This on a 28.8
modem.  It is using some kind of a burst mode in the
transfers because I've seen 3,000 bytes/sec transfers quite
often.  The 12,000 bytes/sec transfer was at 3:00am in the
morning when no one else was on the system (I believe)
which had a lot to do with the very high transfer rate.  A
150,000 byte file in about 10 seconds.  Downloaded a 5MB
file in something like five or ten minutes (sustained
transfer rate of around 3-5kb/sec).  I was quite
impressed.  :-)  (All numbers given as they were presented
to me from the Fetch screen.)

Also, have you gone to the MaxMTU web page?  They talk
about modifying the MTU and MRU of Win'95 and Win3.1
systems to achive much higher transfer rates.  Use Yahoo!
to find the web page.  :-)

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