The simplest way is probably to just put your AppleScript into a variable and run it from inside MacPerl. The only slowdown really is in the compilation time, which can vary on machines. #!perl $script = <<EOS; tell application "Finder" play audio cd end tell EOS &MacPerl::DoAppleScript($script); __END__ -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6']) At 14.03 6/27/97, Ken Cartner (News) wrote: >I'm very new to Perl, but have been using Applescript for a while. My >question: How can you have a Perl script fire off an Applescript? Or can >you? > >I have an Applescript that I need to run on several macs; but before I >can run it, several Scripting Additions have to be added. I'm using Perl >to put them in the right folder. After it does that, I'd like for it to >start my Applescript. Is that possible? > >I'd try to do it all in Perl, but with my limited knowledge it would >take weeks or months. > >Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. > >***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? >***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to