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Re: [MacPerl] Re: MacPerl futures (was MacTCP vs OT)

At 0.04 7/16/97, Matt Lyon wrote:
>They're supposedly leaving AppleScript (and therefore, AppleEvents), or
>something similar, in Rhapsody.

That is an absolute requirement for Rhapsody, stated as such by Apple.

>I'd sure want a Rhapsody-Perl to take
>advantage of this.

Most likely, it will.  We all hope.

>Also, just a hunch, but I don't think Apple's going
>to include gcc or the like with Rhapsody - they might, given dual
>hardware support - but if they don't, someone will have to compile it
>"for the rest of us".

Well, gcc will be available for BSD 4.4 which will be bundled with
Rhapsody.  So that might be how we all get at it anyway.

I am curious: yellow box is separate from blue box.  They do not directly
interact.  Will the yellow box, though, directly interact with BSD and its
utilities?  I hope so.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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