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[MacPerl] Re: MacPerl and localtime(time-offset) problem

pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) writes:
>In article <schinder-0508972025300001@schinder.clark.net>,
>schinder@leprss.gsfc.nasa.gov wrote:
># In article <5s7rkr$74f$1@nyheter.chalmers.se>, d1temp@dtek.chalmers.se
># (Michael Tempsch) wrote:
># [Same old localtime() blues]

># The problem is the fact that the integer representing the time since Jan
># 1, 1904, the Mac zero of time, is > 2**31, and Perl 5.002, the base code
># for the current version of MacPerl, has trouble dealing with these because
># it sometimes treats them as signed ints rather than unsigned ints. 


># It takes a little experimenting to get things to work right with times
># under MacPerl (but hopefully not for long, since the 5.004 port should be
># out soon).  Sometimes judicious use of pack/unpack can help.
>I just tested under Perl 5.1.4b2, and it still fails.  Hm.

b2 ? Where did you get that? If I'd known someone had done b2 already, I
wouldn't have bothered to release b1 earlier this week :-)

What was the exact test case that failed? (You can send it off-line to me, I

>Oh, and CGI.pm dosen't seem to be in lib/ ... ?

That was a deliberate choice, as I assumed that CGI.pm as shipped in 5.004
wouldn't have worked on the Mac out of the box anyway, so I planned on getting
Paul's version to include in later releases. I probably *won't* include CPAN.pm
at all, unless somebody comes up with a pretty convincing port.

>And the man pages are not all there.

This was not deliberate (I know they aren't in the Help index yet, though).
Which manpages are missing?

>Sorry if you know all this, Matthias, but I am not sure what
>you have/haven't included in this beta release.

That's alright; I can't expect y'all to read my mind from the 2 lines or so of
release notes I provided :-) At the moment, I'd appreciate any & all bug


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
 "This comment reminds me of the APL93 meeting where people declared APL to 
  be a thriving, growing language. It's like going to a wake where only the 
  next-of-kin don't seem to be aware that the guest of honor is actually
  dead."  -- Richard J. Gaylord <gaylord-100993020849@mm-mac18.mse.uiuc.edu>

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