Rudolf Hommer <> writes: }Maybe this is a "simple" question, but I have a problem: } }-reading an article how to POST to a web server: I have to get libwww-perl }-searching this module in CPAN and finding libwwww-perl-5.11.readme }-reading that I have to run commands like : perl Makefile.PL .... on a Macintosh (?????) -the Horror beginns Can't be done completely under MacOS, so you ignore these instructions for Unix machines. }-finding also a file named libwww-perl-5.11.tar.gz an thinking, I must get a zipper and a } of tar for the Macintosh - Horror step 2 Not a problem. MacGZip and suntar are free from the Info-Mac archives, or buy Stuffit Deluxe, which comes with a Stuffit engine that does the whole gunzip/tar job. } }Question: }Is there a shorter way on must I pass all - and maybe some more steps- mentioned above? The reason I mention the README is there is that there's still some problem with the MacPerl beta that causes trouble. You'll need to replace MIME::Base64 with a slightly hacked version in order for LWP to run. I don't know why the change is necessary yet. But if you're not using the beta MacPerl, 5.11 won't work (it requires 5.004), so use You'll also find libnet there, which is necessary for ftp:, Mailtools, necessary if for some strange reason you want mailto:, and MIME-Base64 there. } }Thanks a lot } }rudolf hommer } }+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ }Rudolf Hommer ( ) EDV-Gruppe }Tel: +49 711 9063 256 Fax: +49 711 9063 299 }Akademie fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung in Baden-Wuerttemberg } Industriestrasse 5; D-70565 Stuttgart-Vaihingen }+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ } --- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to