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Re: [MacPerl] Full Request $ENV ( WWW½ ,Kfrq)

Mark Manning suggested:

>According to Iain Chalmers:
>> yeah, but which %ENV key has the Kfrq data in it?
>> i've tried $ENV{'FULL_REQUEST'} and $ENV{'HTTP_FULL_REQUEST'}, but neither
>> of these work...


>Or as another alternative - you can get the source code to
>the CGI version (ie: the Applescript) from Matthias and
>then modify it so it does handle sending all of the rest of
>the codes.  I'm sure both Matthias and everyone else would
>greatly appreciate the change.

ummm, i may be jumping in _WAY_ over my head here, but if
Matthias is happy to send me the neccessary stuff, i'll at least
have a look at it.



(who may be bugging you all soon, with some *HARD* questions...)

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