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[MacPerl] Perl Palette for BBEdit 4.5

The Perl Palette written by Lindsay Davies that was released with my 
BBEdit Plug-Ins (formerly extensions) for MacPerl does not work with 
BBEdit 4.5. Lindsay has created a revised version of the Perl Palette 
that works with BBEdit 4.5. I have put the Perl Palette for BBEdit 4.5 at


This version will *only* work with BBEdit 4.5, it will not work with 
BBEdit 4.0. The version of the Perl Palette that is contained in the 
current release of my BBEdit Plug-Ins for MacPerl (Release 5.2) will work 
with BBEdit 4.0 (but not BBEdit 4.5). None of the other BBEdit Plug-Ins 
for MacPerl have changed. They work with BBEdit 3.5 or later (including 
BBEdit 4.5) and BBEdit Lite 3.0.1 or later. Information about my BBEdit 
Plug-Ins for MacPerl is at


Brad Hanson

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