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[MacPerl] Several frustrations

Personal background:
I have been using unix for the past 7 years and have become quite good 
with csh, ksh, tclsh, and basic C. I have owned Macs for more than 10 
years, but have never programmed on one.  I am currently trying to learn 
perl, using MacPerl.

1.  Is there a list of all of the Mac capabilities other than Mac.specifics?
    I am interesting in the different Mac modules, but have no idea what 
    they are used for.

2.  When I open and close a file, can I lock it so that it is only read only?

3.  I have been trying to use MacPerl`Volume() command to get a list of  
    mounted volumes.  I can't seem to get rid of the FFF000001 stuff.  What 
    is a good way to do this?

4.  When I use localtime, I have to add 1 to $mon to make it correct.  
    Yes, I have check the current time on my Mac.  It is correct/

5.  I want to search for applications on the volume.  Is testing a 
file with -x or -X the same thing as testing the type == "APPL"?

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Richard Christensen                                          KC7JPQ     
Austin, TX

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