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Re: [MacPerl] Several frustrations

At 15.18 9/12/97, Richard Christensen wrote:
>1.  Is there a list of all of the Mac capabilities other than Mac.specifics?
>    I am interesting in the different Mac modules, but have no idea what
>    they are used for.

You can check the MacPerl FAQ.  I forget the URL, there's a link to it from
my page at http://pudge.net/macperl/.

>4.  When I use localtime, I have to add 1 to $mon to make it correct.
>    Yes, I have check the current time on my Mac.  It is correct/

The month range is 0..11, so to translate to the conventional 1..12 you
need to add one.

I'd help more with the other questions, but I have to go to dinner ...
maybe later!

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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