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[MacPerl] Re: netatalk (off-topic)

At 9:21 AM 08.01.97 mark@cheers.jsc.nasa.gov (Mark Manning)

>Is netatalk free?  Does it come with the installation?

>From Noah's msg: "It's a free AppleShare server..."

See: <http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/netatalk/obtaining.html>

I have a couple questions for Paul/Noah & others who've used it:

    1. What if you don't have root access on the UNIX box?
       [persuade the sysad or be s-o-l, right?]

    2. It doesn't support DEC/OSF/Digital UNIX, correct?

    3. Do y'all know if any alternatives are around for doing
       the same thing w/ DEC/OSF/Digital UNIX?

I realize the thread is way off the subject of MacPerl, now, so
follow-up by private e-mail, please.



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