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Re: [MacPerl] Xmail

On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Strider wrote:
> I love unix. Love it. Mklinux is the best.
> I hate installing unix programs, and I don't like the way they run when I
> have them. So: I figured, why not write a text based PERL E-Mail program of
> my own? Here it is:
> after using ANY routine that requires input, I need to put a break after
> everything I type (command-.) so that the program continues. I've tried
> multiple versions of this, with while (<>) {  and eval() and if () and
> nothing works. Any ideas?
> -Seraph

I had the same problem in some of my scripts. Amazingly, the same piece of  
code could perfectly works in some cases, or could have this strange behavior.  

Try to use <STDIN> instead of <>, it seems to avoid some cases, but not always. 

Note that a trick which works in most cases is to use getc()

    print "Press Enter to continue.\n";
    do { $c = getc(STDIN) } until defined $c;

But once again, I had cases where it doesn't work.. :-(

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