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[MacPerl] how to tell MacPerl where to find lib files?

could some kind person please explain to me how to tell macperl
where to find the lib files?  right now, it doesn't know where
they are.

"print @INC" provides the following information:

unfortunately, i don't know what the "Dev:Pseudo:" bit
means on a mac.

to summarise, the lib files, e.g. "clipboard.XFCN", are currently in
"HardDisk:MacPerl:lib:", but macperl can't find the files.
how (exactly) do i tell it where to find these files?

sorry to trouble you all with such an ignorant question;
hopefully, i'll later be able to contribute to the list
in a more positive fashion, once i've actually got going!


                        Stephen Eastham

Hat 1: School of Modern Languages IT Adviser
Hat 2: Faculty IT (Learning & Teaching) Adviser

University of Aberdeen, "Bonny" SCOTLAND

Tel: (UK) 01224 272150
Fax: (UK) 01224 272562

"Many things went on at Unseen University and, regrettably, teaching had to
be one of them.  The faculty had long ago confronted this fact and had
perfected various devices for avoiding it. But this was perfectly all right
because, to be fair, so had the students."Terry Pratchett (Interesting Times)

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