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Re: [MacPerl] Blue box + Yellow box = Green box?

At 18.58 8/1/97, Mark Manning/Muniz Eng. wrote:
>Matthias, John wrote that Apple is trying to decide what
>scripting language should be used under the OpenStep/Unix
>side of the Mac.

That was before June, when Apple announced AppleScript will be moved to the
Yellow Box.


At this point I was going to say something about how I want them to offer
better support for alternative scripting languages, when at 19.22 8/1/97,
Matthias Ulrich Neeracher wrote:

>Something like OSA, unburdened of its Component Manager heritage and sanely
>documented, would do just fine for me.

And what's good for Matthias is good for me ...  :-)

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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