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Re: [MacPerl] Blue box + Yellow box = Green box?

mark@cheers.jsc.nasa.gov (Mark Manning/Muniz Eng.) writes:
>Matthias, John wrote that Apple is trying to decide what
>scripting language should be used under the OpenStep/Unix
>side of the Mac.  Should we all send e-mail to Apple
>suggesting MacPerl/Perl?  I would think it would be a good
>idea.  I'd hate to wind up with Tcl/Tk!!!!

I think if Apple really asks the question in this way, they are embarking on a
dangerous course (this way lies J*va). I'd prefer if there were a clean,
comprehensive *interface* accessible from Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk, Frontier,
Applescript, Guile, Mindy, Lua, and whoever else might want to come along.

Something like OSA, unburdened of its Component Manager heritage and sanely
documented, would do just fine for me.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
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                                          -- Dave Winer

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