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[MacPerl] re Rhapsody BlueBox

mark@cheers.jsc.nasa.gov (Mark Manning/Muniz Eng.) writes
>My question is, will the non-Unix side of the Mac be really
>running as a process on the Unix box?  Or are they going to
>be two separate OSs and you can only have one of them up
>and running at a time?  Having the true MacOS running as a
>process under the Unix OS would be the ideal way to go
>since then when an app did something funky the MacOS could
>be killed and then restarted (or maybe just restarted).

as I understand it, they're essentially two separate machines in one box,
which can communicate through the file-system, AppleEvents, or
IP/AppleTalk. I can't remember whether the BlueBox runs as a unix process,
but certainly it has a different IP address (and AppleTalk when that gets
added prior to Premiere release). While lots of people have asked whether
multiple BlueBoxes can be run, eg so you can run multiple MacOS programs
each in their own protected BlueBox, that doesn't appear on the cards, so a
crash will bring down all MacOS apps. One reason offered was the amount of
disk space taken up by having several copies of the System folder since a
different one would be needed for each BlueBox. I thought that excuse was a
bit lame when 2G is the smallest drive being delivered, but I'm sure there
are other technical reasons or because supporting multiple BlueBoxen would
impact the Rhapsody release schedule which Apple cannot afford to let slip.

Danny Thomas

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