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Re: [MacPerl] how to tell MacPerl where to find lib files?

At 8.31 8/5/97, Bart Lateur wrote:
>On Mon, 04 Aug 1997 17:54:56 +0200, Matthias Neeracher
><neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>"Paul J. Schinder" <schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us> writes:
>>>}unfortunately, i don't know what the "Dev:Pseudo:" bit
>>>}means on a mac.
>>>Neither am I, but it may be related to the fact that MacPerl will hunt in
>>>the resource fork of droplets for modules.
>>This is precisely the meaning of Dev:Pseudo:.
>Just curious. What would happen if a user named a drive "Dev", and put
>in there a root folder named "Pseudo"? Would MacPerl search both
>(resource and folder), or, more likely, which one would be dropped?

Interesting.  For {print join("\n",@INC)} You get an error:

        # Can't open perl script "Dev:Pseudo": No such file or directory

When I change the folder name to Pesudo1, it works:

        PowerPudgeII:Programming:MacPerl Ä:lib

NOTE: this is WITHOUT adding anything to the MacPerl prefs.  It just finds
the directory first, and realizes it is not what it wants and chokes.

ALL MacPerl scripts fail if you have a folder named "Pseudo" inside a
volume named "Dev".  Even just executing a blank script with just "#!perl"

So until/unless that is fixed, this is something you just don't do.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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