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Re: [MacPerl] how to tell MacPerl where to find lib files?

s.m.eastham@abdn.ac.uk (Stephen Eastham) writes:
}could some kind person please explain to me how to tell macperl
}where to find the lib files?  right now, it doesn't know where
}they are.
}"print @INC" provides the following information:

It would make a lot more sense to you if you printed them like this:

print join("\n",@INC)."\n";

when you would get the entries in @INC cleanly seperated by newlines rather
than joined together:


which tells you the three places that MacPerl will currently look for files.

}unfortunately, i don't know what the "Dev:Pseudo:" bit
}means on a mac.

Neither am I, but it may be related to the fact that MacPerl will hunt in
the resource fork of droplets for modules.

}to summarise, the lib files, e.g. "clipboard.XFCN", are currently in
}"HardDisk:MacPerl:lib:", but macperl can't find the files.
}how (exactly) do i tell it where to find these files?

Try the full path and see what happens.  (How are you trying to use
clipboard.XFCN?  MacPerl::LoadExternals is supposed to hunt in @INC, and
does for me.)

}sorry to trouble you all with such an ignorant question;
}hopefully, i'll later be able to contribute to the list
}in a more positive fashion, once i've actually got going!

Chris is right about the ability to add paths, but the MacPerl lib is
automatically in @INC.  If clipboard.XFCN is really in there, then
something else is wrong.

}                        Stephen Eastham
}Hat 1: School of Modern Languages IT Adviser
}Hat 2: Faculty IT (Learning & Teaching) Adviser
}University of Aberdeen, "Bonny" SCOTLAND
}Tel: (UK) 01224 272150
}Fax: (UK) 01224 272562

Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693
Greenbelt, MD 20770

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