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[MacPerl] Using MacPerl to send mail by SMTP

Could somebody please give me advice on how to send an e-mail (via SMTP), 
using a MacPerl cgi script. I've read the MacPerl FAQ and obtained the 
macSMTP.pl and mailit scripts but have had no success.(I get an error 
message saying that macSMTP.pl did not return a true value). Apparently 
macSMTP.pl requires the macchat.pl script which I can't find on the Web. 
I realise I can embed applescript commands within MacPerl to  control 
Eudora or MondoMail but I'd like to do it directly via SMTP. 
Does anyone have a simple solution to this problem?
(BTW the mail server is a Mac running AIMS).
Thanks in advance,
Eoin Fahy, Ph.D.

MitoKor   http://www.mitokor.com/

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