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Re: [MacPerl] editors

bradford@nwlink.com wrote:

> Is there a way to use BBEdit to save these in this format?

All I do is save the file the first time as ACGI using MacPerl. Anytime
I want to edit simply choose the file from the BBEdit window in MacPerl.
In fact, when I start a new script i save an empty ACGI and then open it
using the above mentioned method and do all my coding via BBEdit. when
the file is opened this way, just choosing save from the BBEdit menu
saves the ACGI (make sure you stop the ACGI if it is still running
before you begin editing.)

I wouldn't call the MaPerl editor crappy. It serves its purpose. I'd
much rather see Matthias spend his limited time working withthe perl
port, not coding  an editor.

If your version of MacPerl doesn't have the BBEdit menu, you need
desparately to upgrade!



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