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Re: [MacPerl] editors

At 23.37 8/3/97, bradford@nwlink.com wrote:
>I'm looking for a better way to edit the MacHTTPd CGI PERL scripts.. The
>editor in MacPERL is crappy, but it seems to be the only way to save as a
>MacHTTPd CGI format script.
>Is there a way to use BBEdit to save these in this format?

Whatever you have as your editor will show up in the third menu over in
MacPerl (i.e., "BBEdit").  Open the file in MacPerl, select "Edit Front
Window," and the file will open in your editor.  Also, Brad Hanson has some
extensions, one of which will aloow direct opening/saving of MacPerl files
from BBEdit.


Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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