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[MacPerl] setting file attributes

I'm trying to find a way to change various file attributes
with MacPerl.  To be more specific, I'm looking for the
equivalent functionality of the the the "SetFile" MPW tool.
(e.g., allows you to change the visibility, locking, etc.
attributes of a file, not just creator and type).

I admit I could be overlooking something here, but "chmod"
doesn't seem to be able to do what I want; and I see from
the MacPerl archives that a "File::Attrib" module has been
proposed but not implemented.  (For now I'm solving my problem
by using MPW, or when running outside of MPW by forming an
_evil_ alliance with AppleScript -- I do NOT want to do this
longterm; I'm looking for a MacPerl only solution.)

Any help would be appreciated.

Ero Brown <ero@fiber.net>

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