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Re: [MacPerl] setting file attributes

ero brown <ero@fiber.net> writes:
>I'm trying to find a way to change various file attributes
>with MacPerl.

The good news is that this feature is available through FSpGetCatInfo in

The bad news is that anything you write to that interface now is going to
need slight changes with 5.1.4.

The current interface for making a file invisible is something like:

use Mac::File;

$info = FSpGetCatInfo("file");
$finfo= $info->{ioFlFndrInfo};
$finfo->{fdFlags} = $finfo->{fdFlags} | 16384;
$info->{ioFlFndrInfo} = $finfo;
FSpSetCatInfo("file", $info);

The new interface will be something like:

$info = FSpGetCatInfo("file");
$finfo= $info->ioFlFndrInfo;
$finfo->fdFlags($finfo->fdFlags | fInvisible);
FSpSetCatInfo("file", $info);


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
  "... after a few more flashes in the pan, we shall hear very little more
  of Edison or his electric lamp. Every claim he makes has been tested and
  proved impracticable." -- _New York Times_, January 16, 1880

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