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Re: [MacPerl] A good explanation of GUSI

>Is there a good explanation for the GUI options for MacPerl anywhere?
>Specifically I am looking for information on GetFile or GetFolder.

What do you want? GUSI, GUI, or the simple dialog functions?

from MacPerl.specifics (which is included with the MacPerl Application archive)


	StandardFile.pl		Calls for standard file dialogs. A very
				convenient front end for &MacPerl'Choose()

>From here you could probably use the file stat functions to find out more
about the file. With a warning that the '-X' commands may behave
differently that their unix  parents. Sandra Silcot has a page outlining
some of the differences from unix perl and MacPerl which includes stuff
about the '-X' commands:


>I would like to use the cancel button that appears in the resource window.
>I have found any information on this at all.  Any ideas?

If a user selects cancel, you probably get an empty or undefined value.
Test it and see what happens. I do not understand what you mean by using
the cancel button. Do you want to trap it, or just test for it?

takeshi yano
>From the Wilkinson Public School Library
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
email: mailto:wilkinson@ican.net
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