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[MacPerl] An interesting problem

I've come across an interesting problem which I am still
researching and trying to figure out.


I have a program (about 200 lines of MacPerl code).  The
program puts up a screen in a web browser (or rather it sent
it to the server which sent it to the browser, which
displayed it).  I'm using Quid Pro Quo.  Everything worked
fine.  I needed to add another sixty lines of output to the
program.  So I began adding things.  Ten lines - fine.  I
tested the display and everything came up ok.  Added
another ten - still fine.  Next ten - no problem.  Another
ten - ok.  Another ten - the display stopped working.
Nothing would show up on the browser (Netscape v3.01).  I
got a message saying that the document contained no data.

So I went - ok, I must of messed up somewhere.  So I did a
syntax check.  Syntax check says everything is ok.  I
looked through the code (all I was doing was copying the
same lines of code over and over and just adjusting the
titles for the check boxes and the variable names for the
check boxes).  No errors in the code that I could detect.
(ie: No hanging single/double quotes.  No <<HTML_CODE
without the proper HTML_CODE ending.  Etc....)

So then I went - ok, let me look at the server's log file.
QPQ had increasing amounts of data up to the last couple of
tries.  Then it showed ZERO number of bytes being returned
from the program.  Maximum sent back was around 28K.

So I went - ok - maybe it's not sending anything back.  So
I moved the code segment which sent back the information to
QPQ up ten, twenty, thirty, fourty lines of code.  Nothing
was ever sent back.

So I went - ok - let me try writing it out to a file.
Everything was always sent out to the file.  Even up to the
fiftieth line of extra code I put in.

So I'm stumped.  Tonight I'm going to try making a backup
of the program and removing code from the program to see if
that makes it start working again.  If so, then there is
some kind of limit I'm hitting somewhere.

Here are my system's stats:

Power PC 603e 200mhz System
80MB of memory
MacPerl has 8MB of memory (8192).

The program is about 30K in size (lots of code).  But the
system shows only a minimal amount of memory is used to run
the program (ie: the slider only moves a little bit when it
loads and executes).

MacOS 7.6.1
MacPerl 5.1.3r2
Netscape v3.01
Quid Pro Quo v1.(whatever the last release was)

Any ideas?  I've download the latest version from Matthias'
site.  I'll be installing that tonight also.  So if that is
the problem I will let everyone know tomorrow.  But if this
is a known bug I'd like to know about it.  TIA!

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