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[MacPerl] Things I'd like to see in shuck

Hi All,

I keep noddling around in the code for Alpha, which already has a pretty
good mode/interface to MacPerl, and it has hit me that with a few changes,
shuck could be a dynamite helper app for Alpha.

First, I'ld like to be able to control what geometry a window is when one
is openned in shuck.  That way I could size the Alpha window to say, the
bottom two thirds of the screen and position Shuck's window in the upper

In addition to opening files, it would be nice to have a "display pod
section for routine xxx" facility (useful when your pod text is separate
from your code). That way Alpha could send a look-up routine xxx in the
.pod with the same rootname as the current code window.  Other such look-up
are probably needed, Alpha could generate an AppleEvent to make these
request of Shuck.

Any other thoughts, input?


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