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Re: [MacPerl] Things I'd like to see in shuck

Tom Fetherston <ranch1@earthlink.net> writes:
>I keep noddling around in the code for Alpha, which already has a pretty
>good mode/interface to MacPerl, and it has hit me that with a few changes,
>shuck could be a dynamite helper app for Alpha.

Let me start out by outlining a few of the principles I have about Shuck:

 - I do *not* intend to introduce substantial "improvements" over standard pod
   format for input files.
 - I do *not* want to make Shuck grow too much - the objective is that it
   always should remain much smaller than a WWW browser (Although, now we
   finally have a MacLynx, the browser situation is not that bad anymore).

>First, I'ld like to be able to control what geometry a window is when one
>is openned in shuck.  That way I could size the Alpha window to say, the
>bottom two thirds of the screen and position Shuck's window in the upper

Good idea. This should be easy to implement.

>In addition to opening files, it would be nice to have a "display pod
>section for routine xxx" facility (useful when your pod text is separate
>from your code).

I'll have to look into this. It seems plausible to me.

>Any other thoughts, input?

One capability that is needed is multiple index files. Currently, a single
index exists (for Perl). This should be extended.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "I'm set free to find a new illusion" -- Velvet Underground

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