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Re: [MacPerl] reading PC files script ???

At 07:01 PM 9/16/97 +0200, you wrote:
>me again...
>The pb is that we use scripts that are shared by perl-win32 and macperl,
>and macperl is angry when he see pc files....
>I cannot use the $/ in order to tell macperl to change his EOL char
>because we do require of a lots of files that are macperl-native and
>pc-native (a mixed).
>if somebody has an idea ???
>sorry for thoses questions, but it would be a great thing to succeed:
>all unified in perl no matter the OS!!!!

(If you are dealing with opening a mixed batch of data files)

If you wan't the macperl script to open a mixed batch of files that are PC
native and MacOS native.. and determine what linefeeds to use automatically:

Well, I believe the MacOS uses CR where as Windoze uses CRLF or some
variant on that. Why not treat CR as the end-of-line character and if there
are LFs in the file, remove them s/LF//g;

Other options include geting info on the file's creator. If you run the
script from a Mac, all PC transferred files should have that "PC" icon and
most likely the same creator ID. Open a file, determine the creator ID, if
the creator was a PC machine, translate the files to Mac CRs instead of PC
EOL before using it.

(I don't know _how_ to get info on the file's type and creator, but I know
from this list that other people know how to do this.)

Also, you could do some task-simplifying things such as _not_ using a
.3char ending for Mac files, but using one for every PC file. That way, if
the filename ends in .xxx you know you are dealing with a PC file and can
switch out the end of line characters with some subroutine.

(If you are just worried about running the script with either Win32 or

Create the 'master' script in MacPerl. In Win32, open the MacPerl Script,
translate the EOF characters, then 'eval' the translated perl script. 

For example:
c/> perl win.pl macscript.pl

Would launch win.pl, which has $ARGV[0] of macscript.pl. It opens
macscript.pl, (knowing to use Mac EOL characters) and translates it to a
Win32 EOF file.. which is saves out as win.macscript.pl and executes this
generated script (`win.macperl.pl`;) or (if the script is small)
concatonates mascscript.pl into a string variable $eval and performs
"eval($eval);" to execute the copy.

I don't know, something in there might help you out.

Robert Sweeney

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