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Re: [MacPerl] question about appleevent

>Well, I couldn't figure out today how to unmount (anyone else have this?),

Finder's 'put away' command I think.


use Mac::AppleEvents;
use Mac::Files;

$volume = "whatever:"         # colon important
$alias = NewAliasMinimal $volume;

$evt = AEBuildAppleEvent('fndr', 'ptwy', typeApplSignature, "MACS", 0, 0,
"'----':alis(\@\@)", $alias) or die $^E;

$rep = AESend($evt, kAEWaitReply) or die $^E;

print AEPrint($evt), "\n";
print AEPrint($rep), "\n";

AEDisposeDesc $evt;
AEDisposeDesc $rep;

Alan Fry

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