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Re: [MacPerl] question abou

"Whitney Cunha" <whitney_cunha@sequana.com> writes
>How about just using Applescript rather than buildling the apple event?
>I don't know enough Perl to quite understand yours, but I do see that
>you handle errors better than this - I haven't figured out how to get
>the errors back from DoAppleScript yet.  Thank you for your example.
>I can see that will be handy.

here's one way:

sub  finder_script ($)
    my ($script) = @_;
    my ($ans);

    $ans = MacPerl::DoAppleScript(<<"    END_SCRIPT");
        tell application "Finder"
            return ""
        end tell
    on error errStr
        return errStr
    end try
    # return 0/1 value just like rename, etc do
    # though the actual text is more useful for debugging
    if ($ans) {
        # while $! can return a number (errno) or string
        # depending on context, you can only assign a number to it
        #$! = strip_quotes $ans;
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;

then you can go:

    $ans = finder_script <<"    END_SCRIPT";
        make alias file to $type \"$from\"
        move alias file \"$from alias\" to folder \"$tp\"
        set name of alias file \"$tp:$fn alias\" to \"$tn\"

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