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Re: [MacPerl] question abou

At 18.10 9/16/97, Danny Thomas wrote:
>"Whitney Cunha" <whitney_cunha@sequana.com> writes
>>How about just using Applescript rather than buildling the apple event?
>>I don't know enough Perl to quite understand yours, but I do see that
>>you handle errors better than this - I haven't figured out how to get
>>the errors back from DoAppleScript yet.  Thank you for your example.
>>I can see that will be handy.

One very good reason not to use AppleScript is that it takes about 10
seconds just for MacPerl to compile the script each time it is run.  But
yes, another good reason is for error handling.

A third good reason is that I hate AppleScript.  :-)

But yes, I had already done it in AppleScript before, so that was already
covered.  I consider AppleScript as an option only when I can't figure it
out with MacPerl or Apple Events.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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