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RE: [MacPerl] Shuck crashing

I changed the subject title to give it one that's more related to what
follows, IMO, of course!

Shuck crashes on my system too. I noticed that it consumes a lot of CPU
cycles, even when it is in the background, and another program is in the
foreground but idle (checked this through running the Monitor app). The only
other programs that grab more cycles, here, are Finder and MS Mail. Is there
a particular reason for this behaviour, and is this related to its tendency
to crash? BTW, I'm using Shuck 1.0.

Best regards,

I would like to see Shuck crash less.  Am I atypical in having it lock up
my machine so frequently?  The lookup command, in particular, has never
worked without blowing up.  It seems to be markedly less reliable with
longer files (like perlfunc).


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