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Re: Re: [MacPerl] Having a problem with format

Thanks very much.  This solved the problem.


On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 WAMerrill@aol.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I keep getting the compile error "Format not terminated, at end of line"
> format.  I could not find anything wrong with my code so I copied the code
> example for format exactly out of MacPerl Help and got the same error.  The
> code from MacPerl Help and error messages follow.  Could anyone offer some
> advice?  I am new to MacPerl so any help would be very much appreciated!
>  Thank you.
> Regards,
> Will
> -------------------------------
> format Something =
> 		        Test: @<<<<<<<< @||||| @>>>>>
> 		              $str,     $%,    '$' . int($num)
> 		    .

The point must be at the beginning of the line and has to be alone on 
the line (you can't even type a comment). 

Note that an other classic error is to try to execute a perl script saved 
with MS-DOS end-of-line format and to try executing it with MacPerl. 

> 		    $str = "widget";
> 		    $num = $cost/$quantiy;
> 		    $~ = 'Something';
> 		    write;

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