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RE: [MacPerl] Shuck crashing

Double ouch! I was asking for that, wasn't I, :-)

Thanks for all your good work!

Best regards,
>BTW, I'm using Shuck 1.0.

So, to summarize, you think that a version 1.0 of a program (which is now at
1.2) crashes too frequently, but you can't be bothered to upgrade to the
version? :-) It's going to be a bit difficult for me to fix the version on
disk :-)

To be fair, Shuck 1.2 is not available separate from the 5.1.4 betas, but 1.1
is on ftp://err.ethz.ch/pub/neeri/MacPerl/Shuck_11.sit.bin and contains
significant reliability imporvements vs. 1.0

>I would like to see Shuck crash less.  Am I atypical in having it lock up
>my machine so frequently?

Shuck has never crashed for me since version 1.1. 1.0 was unreliable under
memory conditions, and it consistently *provoked* low memory conditions.


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