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[MacPerl] Crashing! (bug/memory leak?

                      Crashing! (bug/memory leak?)                 9/17/97

I'm having problems running MacPerl CGIs repeatedly.  After say, four or five
iterations of the CGI, MacPerl will crash.   This particular CGI uses sockets
to communicate with a database on another machine.  With the About this Mac
open, it seems that the fraction of the partition for MacPerl used keeps
increasing on every iteration, making me suspicious that there could be a
memory leak problem.  The same CGI runs smoothly on a UNIX server, but this
CGI should be able to be used by either Mac or UNIX web servers.

In a similar problem, there is another CGI which performs a loop of similar
server calls.  If the loop size is 30, for instance, it runs fine, but if the
loop size is higher, say 40, it appears to go into an infinite loop, whereby
the output stops, but the CGI doesn't finish.  It shouldn't be a problem with
the data itself - this also runs fine using Perl on UNIX.  Increasing
MacPerl's memory partition doesn't help.  

Has anyone experienced anything similar / know of any fixes?

Tanya Quinn

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