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Re: [MacPerl] An Interesting Problem (cont) (fwd)

According to Matthias Ulrich Neeracher:
> I'd have to look at the details. FileHandle does not really
> exist anymore, it is now replaced with IO::Handle & Co., but
> some backwards compatibility should exist.
> What is the message you get?

When I removed the "use FileHandle" then it didn't complain
anymore and it could read the database et al just fine.  I
believe the complaint was something about a needless use of
a void pointer or some such.  Basically, I need to put it
back in to get the message again.  But that (really) isn't
necessary since actually the right thing to do is to just
take out the command since it isn't needed anymore.

On the other problem - last night was my workout night so I
(again) didn't get much done.  I'm also working on a
MacPerl install program which I can run after I've
unarchived the new version of MacPerl.  What it's going to
do is to ask where the new version is, where the old
version is, and then move everything over from the new to
the old version.  This is because I'm lazy and don't want
to have to drag all of the library files from the old
folder to the new folder and then delete the older version
by hand.  :-)  My tests seem to work pretty well so far.
I'll post the final version.  It's nothing fancy but it is
what I'd call a "safe" copy.  (ie:It renames all files
which are the same as the new files to X.old, then moves X
over, and finally removes all of the X.old files.  In this
way, if there is some kind of a problem along the way you
can recover by just renaming all of the ".old" files back
to what they were.)

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