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Re: [MacPerl] question about appleevent

I ran the sample mount.pl with my own volume as in . . . 
> mount('Games','Games','tkennedy','');
under MacPerl 514 and got following errors. . .

# Useless use of private array in void context.
File 'Applications:MacPerl:MacPerl
°:lib:auto:DynaLoader:dl_findfile.al'; Line 105
# Missing right bracket,File 'Applications:MacPerl:MacPerl
°:lib:auto:DynaLoader:dl_findfile.al'; Line 108
# syntax error, at EOF
File 'Applications:MacPerl:MacPerl
°:lib:auto:DynaLoader:dl_findfile.al'; Line 108

The tail end of dl_findfile.al looks like this. . .

101 >     if ($dl_debug) {
102 >         foreach(@dirs) {
103 >             print STDERR " dl_findfile ignored non-existent
directory: $_\n" unless -d $_;
104 >         }
105 >         print STDERR "dl_findfile found: @found\n";
106 >     }
107 >     return $found[0] unless wantarray;
108 >     @found;
109 > }
110 > 
111 > 1;

Is this a prob with dl_findfile.al or something else?

--- Tom Kennedy -- tomKenn@erols.com ---

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