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Re: [MacPerl] question about appleevent

At 08.06 9/16/97, Laurent Bardi wrote:
>the goal is to have a mount/umount sub under macperl
>sub mount
>        local($zone,$machine,$share,$user,$password)=@_
>sub unmount
>        local($zone,$machine,$share)=@_

Well, I couldn't figure out today how to unmount (anyone else have this?),
but here is the mounting version.

Requires the Mount Volume OSAX (Laurent has it if you can't find it online).

#!perl -wl
use strict;
use Mac::AppleEvents;

sub mount {
    die 'usage: mount(VOLUME,SERVER,USER,PASSWORD,ZONE)' if (!$_[0] || !$_[1]);
    %evt = (
        VOLM=>shift,    #required
        SRVR=>shift,    #required
        USER=>shift,    #optional
        PASS=>shift,    #optional
        ZONE=>shift,    #optional
    foreach (keys %evt) {
        if ($evt{$_}) {
            $evt .= ",$_:TEXT(@)";
            push @evt,$evt{$_};
    substr($evt,0,1) = '';

    $be =
AEBuildAppleEvent('aevt','mvol',typeApplSignature,'MACS',0,0,$evt,@evt) ||
die $^E;
    $rp = AESend($be, kAEWaitReply) or die $^E;
    if (defined($er = AEGetParamDesc($rp,'errn'))) {
        warn 'Mount Volume error ', AEPrint($er);


Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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