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Re: [MacPerl] IO:: problems

Alan Fry <ajf@afco.demon.co.uk> writes:
}There does seem to be something curious about IO::File and IO::Handle.
}Using this droplet as a test:
}        use IO::File;
}        $f = shift;

Interestingly, with 5.13r2 on my 68030 Powerbook 165, shift fails to shift
ARGV.  I had to explicitly put $f = $ARGV[0] here.  Ah, well.

}        $fh = new IO::File;
}        $fh->open($f);
}        print <$fh>;
}works partially. If the name ends in a space (!) or <$fh->open($f, "r")>
}the error message "Read on closed filehandle <GENO>" results. However
}<$fh->open(">$f")> (etc.) seems to do what is expected.

I looked into this just now.  The Whitespace Protection Program swings into
effect only if you  use the multi-argument open method.  It's documented
this way, so I was wrong implying earlier that the protection is automatic
when you use IO::File.  The same is true of FileHandle in 5.13r2, and is
even more true in 5.14b2.  So whitespace at the end of a name will simply
get eaten by the open() that $fh->open eventually does, and it will fail.
Since you're using full paths with a droplet, whitespace on the beginning
of the file name is already protected.

$fh->open($f,"r") should and does (for me) protect whitespace at the end of
the filename.

}If "File" is replaced by "Handle" the error message "can't locate
}auto/IO/Handle/open.al in @INC" results in all cases.

Fixed documentation bug.  There was never an open method in IO::Handle, so
far as I know.

}Does anyone else get this?
}Alan Fry
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