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Re: [MacPerl] Using libwww with MacPerl 5.1.3 - a beginner'squestion

pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) writes:
}>How do you include a module in the @INC array?
}You don't add modules, you add paths.  And you can add it just like any
}array.  I.e.:
}        push @INC, 'my:path:';

Yes, but...

If you "use" a module, this will fail, because it happens after all the
"use"s get processed (unless it's in a BEGIN block).  For this and to get
the auto folder associated with a path included as well, this is better
done like this:

use lib 'my:path:';

or in general use lib LIST, where LIST is a list of paths.

}>Why did module compilations fail?
}See above.
}>What does
}># Unbalanced scopes: 1 more ENTERs than LEAVEs
}># Unbalanced saves: 93 more saves than restores
}Nothing important.  It just failed is all.
}Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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