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Re: [MacPerl] Using libwww with MacPerl 5.1.3 - a beginner's question

At 14.39 9/18/97, Philippe de Rochambeau wrote:
>I have just downloaded libwww-perl-5.10 from the Web and installed the
>HTTP, WWW, HTML, and LWP folders into my lib folder. Unfortunately, when
>I check the syntax of the following code...

># Can't locate LWP.pm in @INC.
>File 'Macintosh HD:MacPerl 5.1.3 °:lib:LWP:UserAgent.pm'; Line 116

In addition to the above folders, LWP.pm is a required file.  It is not
within the directories.  It should be in your root lib folder, not in a

Actually, it should be in a separate site library folder that is added to
your Preferences:Libraries, just to keep things clean.

>How do you include a module in the @INC array?

You don't add modules, you add paths.  And you can add it just like any
array.  I.e.:

        push @INC, 'my:path:';

>Why did module compilations fail?

See above.

>What does
># Unbalanced scopes: 1 more ENTERs than LEAVEs
># Unbalanced saves: 93 more saves than restores

Nothing important.  It just failed is all.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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