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Re: [MacPerl] IO:: problems

Paul Schinder writes Thu, 18 Sep 1997 09:25:53 -0400

>I'm away from my desktop machine and 5.14a2 this week, so I probably won't
>be of much help here, but have we seen *anyone* asking about FileHandle
>before now actually REPORT THE ERROR MESSAGE that they get yet from WHICH
>VERSION of MacPerl???

Mea culpa: System 7.5.1 BigMacPerl 5.1.3r2

But I have also tried this on a PPC running 7.5.5 and MacPerl 5.1.3r2:

        use IO::File;
        $f = shift;
        $fh = new IO::File;
        print <$fh>;

with two things to mention.

1       'shift' on its own does not work -- you have to write 'shift @ARGV'.
        I think that is wrong.

2       If there is a space at the end of the file name nothing happens
        at all -- no error message no print().

Tomorrow, with a fair following wind,  will see system 8 and MacPerl
4.1.4b2 installed and we'll see what happens then.

Apologies again for sins of omission...

Alan Fry

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