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Re: [MacPerl] Using libwww with MacPerl 5.1.3 - a beginner's question

At 21.20 9/21/97, Nat Irons wrote:
>>You don't add modules, you add paths.  And you can add it just like any
>>array.  I.e.:
>>        push @INC, 'my:path:';
>this is something I've been absently wondering about lately: use implies a
>BEGIN block, which means "use anyModule;" will execute just after it's
>parsed.  At that point, the push function won't have executed yet, and perl
>won't know to look in my:path.  So am I missing a subtlety, missing a
>not-so-subtlety, or is it going to have to be:
>BEGIN { push @INC, 'my:path:'; }
>in order to make the path and its contents visible in time for "use" to
>find them?

Yes.  Paul Schinder corrected me in a recent post.  Or you can utilize the
lib pragma, just for this situation, i.e.:

        use lib 'my:path:';

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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