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Re: [MacPerl] Mac HTTP Servers

Chris Nandor wrote:
> I am trying to find all the different Mac HTTP servers I can. 


FileMakerPro 4.0 will also BE a mac web server

I don't yet know about its macperl friendliness, since there is only a
beta and it's hard to find (see below). But you can script fmp.

BTW, fmp4.0 will AUTOMATICALLY interface your database to the web (for
search and fill).

I saw an impressive demo in Apple expo, Paris, yesterday.  In just 2
clicks, "that guy could open his db, go live on the internet, with an
auto-generated homepage with radio buttons, scroll down menus etc...,
the duplicate of his original offline db. Ugly layout, but there it was
on the net in less than 5 minutes, fully searchable/updatable.

If anybody knows better for db web serving, tell me now 'cause I'm
buying as soon as I can  (fmp4.0 is released in October). 

fmp4beta is lost somewhere in http://www.ecxs.com/filemaker/index.html

 look there for "recent news", on the 8 sept 97, and the "available
beta" url will take you to a very long download (many Mbs)

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