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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl Version

At 21.56 9/25/97, Weston Houghton/Unsane wrote:
>Is MacPerl still only at the equivalent version of 5.001?

The latest release, MacPerl 5.1.3r2, was based on the 5.002 sources.  The
version in public beta testing currently is 5.1.4b2, based on the 5.004

>Will future
>versions of MacPerl include CGI.pm as normal Perl does?

I think it was excluded from 5.1.4b2, but it should be in future versions.
There are no known conflicts with CGI.pm and MacPerl (known to me, that is

> does anyone have
>any hints on using CGI.pm with MacPerl

No different than using it with UNIX.  Except for maybe the file upload
feature, I haven't played with that.  But even that should work.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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