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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl Version

Weston Houghton/Unsane,weslists@anapraxis.com,Internet writes:
>does anyone have 
>any hints on using CGI.pm with MacPerl

The only hint I have is make sure CGI.pm is saved as a Mac file. I know it's
painfully obvious, but if you're using BBEdit (like I am - CGI.pm is too big
for MacPerl), CGI.pm will automatically be shown nicely, even though it's in
UNIX format. It drove me crazy for a while, until I figured out that CGI.pm had
UNIX end-of-lines. MacPerl couldn't handle it, and I had no idea why it wasn't

Anyways, use BBEdit to change the format, or write a script to change the
end-of-line characters.

open(CGI, "CGI.pm") or die "Dead!\n$!\n";
open(NEW, ">CGI.pm NEW") or die "Dead!\n$!\n";
@lines = <CGI>;

foreach $line (@lines) {
   $line =~ s/\r/\n/gm;

print NEW join("", @lines);

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