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lolo@ipbs.fr writes:
>sorry, but i ve big,big pb!!!
>i don t understand 
>LC630 20 Mo sys 7.5.5 macperl 513r2
>this portion of script is for killing all the other apps running, she
>has worked, and now se does nothing !!

Well, one problem I see with your code is that you're iterating through the
list of processes while killing them at the same time. This is bound to lead to
troubles as soon as you try to find the "next process" of a process you just
killed. Maybe it would help to first gather all PSNs to be killed and then kill
those in a second loop.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "I'm set free to find a new illusion" -- Velvet Underground

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