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Chris Nandor writes Sat, 27 Sep 1997 10:50:43 -0400

>This looks familiar.  :-)
>What is PFPI, and why don't we want it to quit?

PFPl is PreFabPlayer which is a background extension (it adds some verbs to
AppleScript) and you have to restart to get it going again which is a bore.
There are probably many other background programs (faxes for instance?)
which one would want to keep running for one reason or another.

More seriously there is a problem if file sharing is on. For some quaint
reason the File Sharing Extension is not scriptable under system 7.
Applecript hangs if a 'quit' is sent to it. Including the type 'hhgg' in
the list of processes to keep running fixes the problem.

Under system 8 it is posible to turn file sharing on and off by "set
FileSharing to false/true" but a 'quit' still causes AppleScript to hang.

Laurent Bardi adds Sat, 27 Sep 1997 17:29:33 +0200:

>except that, at the end it freeze macperl and don't kill schuk ???

Anything to do with File Sharing I wonder?

>i don t understand why it is so complicated to programm the mac (perhaps
>because i m with a 68K?) I ve programmed the same thing under
>win95-and-perl in a week and i stand with the mac for more than 2 month !!!

I know -- it's a pig. But a little more BCBG than MSDOS perhaps...?

>1)-replace the "AESend($evt, kAEWaitReply)" by "AESend($evt,
>kAENoReply)" (non blocking)

>2)-call SetFrontProcess($psn) before sending the AEVT (some older apps
>process AEVT when they are on top , not before)

Interesting points.

It should be possible to quit by 'psn ' should it not? that might avoid
some of these problems. I've tried 'typeProcessSerialNumber' in place of
'typeApplSignature' proffering a hex psn but failed to get it to work. Any
thoughts Chris?

>but great thanks ! and a "bonjour" from south of france (near the prime
>hollyday's house) where the sun shine and programmers stay at work !!

Idyllic! Would that I were there!

Many thanks for kind words.

Alan Fry

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