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> >i don t understand why it is so complicated to programm the mac (perhaps
> >because i m with a 68K?) I ve programmed the same thing under
> >win95-and-perl in a week and i stand with the mac for more than 2 month !!!
> I know -- it's a pig. But a little more BCBG than MSDOS perhaps...?

well the first time i heard somebody telling the "truth"!!!!
win95 :yes 
-win95 is a MS$ apps (wich is not a reference)
-it is a copy of the mac system (wich is already a copy of things from
PARC (paolo alto center research))
Too much people believe that apple are philantropic, NO! it is a
commercial and the goal for the is to make money as MS$ ...
-not stable (the guy at the labs named me the man who made 15 reboot by
hour !!!)
-no multitasking (even with threads)
-a filesystem that come from paleolitic ages !

And about the BCBG of msdos: try to copy a file from far away in a
volume of a server, to far away in an another volume: you open window in
a new window and so on or you wait for system to browse folder.
In msdos, you just say copy full_path full_path ????
Wich one is more productive ????

Too much admin system says Mac: beuark!, I used in the past to say it
too, but now as i use the mac try to programm with it (thanks to
macperl), and i said too much pb to have a big net with mac...

If somebody want to reply : please don t use the list as i do! 
reply to me, if it there are good point (i mean technical points for and
against and even critics about what i ve say )
i will compile it and send to the list.

I m not hopping the death of macos, and the suppremacy of MS$ prod
I m just hopping that MacOs will become better and a real concurrent to
Because 2 point of view(and 2 system) are always better than just one !

Matthias, I apologize for this noise on the list.

Laurent BARDI Ingenieur Systemes & Reseaux 
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Tel : 05-61-17-59-47             http://www.ipbs.fr/
Fax : 05-61-17-59-94             lolo@ipbs.fr
CNRS-IPBS 205 Route de Narbonne 31400 TOULOUSE FRANCE 

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