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Re: [MacPerl] Database locking

At 12.10 9/28/97, Walter Hinton wrote:
>But, the Berkeley DB Faq (http://mongoose.bostic.com/db/faq.html) says:
>"Yes. DB supports locking and concurrent access. Applications using the
>standard database formats do not need to do the locking themselves, the
>access methods do it for them. "
>Well, I want to use locking if I need to but don't want to do what's not
>necessary. Please tell me where to go read about it. I'd like to make sure I
>misunderstand everything I'm confused about before I try to use it.

What I might do is create a file "mydbmlock" and then do something like this:

use Mac::Files;
FSpSetFLock $file;      #lock
FSpRstFLock $file;      #unlock

Lock it to lock it, unlock it to unlock it.  NOTE: there is a bug in
MacPerl 5.1.3r2, such that you cannot call the FSpRstFLock method directly.
Instead, you need to call "Mac::Files::FSpRstFLock" (I think that works).

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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